
Micro-Dyn Medical Systems, founded in 1989, specializes in software products for health care claim DRG calculation, APC assignment, Medicare reimbursement calculation, data editing and validation to Medicare specifications. Our customers include health plans, hospitals, healthcare software vendors, and companies like yours!

Micro-Dyn software component products integrate seamlessly with your applications to immediately add data validation, DRG/APC/ASC calculation and Medicare reimbursement capability. Our stand-alone products like Encoder-Plus For Win10™ include all these functions in a very flexible desktop package.

Product Summary

Software Developer Component Products End-User Desktop Products
APCActive Outpatient PPS Components
Medicare APC assignment and reimbursement calculation
Encoder-Plus For Win10
Medicare DRG calculation, APC assignment and reimbursement functions
ASC PRICERActive Reimbursement Components
Medicare Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) reimbursement calculation
DRGActive DRG Components
CMS (Medicare) MS-DRG calculation
DRGActive.Net-APR Components
3M™ All-Patient Refined DRG (APR-DRG) calculation
ESRD PRICERActive Components
Medicare ESRD PPS editing and reimbursement calculation
HH PRICERActive Reimbursement Components
Medicare Home Health (HH) PPS reimbursement calculation
IRF PRICERActive Medicare Reimbursement Components
CMS (Medicare) Inpatient Rehab Facility (IRF) PPS reimbursement calculation
MCEActive Code Editor Components
Medicare Claim data editing and validation
PRICERActive Medicare Reimbursement Components
CMS (Medicare) Inpatient PPS reimbursement calculation
Psych PRICERActive Reimbursement Components
Medicare Inpatient Psych PPS reimbursement calculation
SNF PRICERActive Reimbursement Components
Medicare SNF PPS reimbursement calculation

Product Pricing and License Information